Hello, and welcome to the SciComm Society “Making An Impact” email course!

You probably signed up for this course because you want to break out of the “science bubble” and begin to reach more people with your SciComm efforts. We are Justine & Sarah from SciComm Society, and we’re very glad you’re here. Because we learned the hard way how to make an impact with our research, we wanted to make things easier for you and decided to help you on this journey.

So, we came up with a few practical and easy strategies for you to get the word out about your research, make an impact and get some efficient SciComm skills. And to give you the most flexibility about how and when you take the time to work on your SciComm game, we created an email course with the material. Here’s how this course will go:


In about 5 minutes, you’ll receive an email with the first lesson of the course, and the following lessons will come every week after that.

You can then go through the lesson material at your own pace. The end of each email has an exercise that will help you implement what you learned in the lesson. Each of these exercises gives you a practical task to make an impact with your SciComm projects. Hence, we encourage you to do these exercises not only to improve your SciComm skills but also to break out of the science bubble.

Ready to get started? Look for the first lesson in a few minutes, and then take action by completing the exercises to help you start sharing your research.

If you have any questions, please feel free to hit reply and let us know!

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